Tae Kwon Do


Day and Time


Steve Arnone, 4th DAN

Mondays & Wednesdays
6:30 - 8pm

North Syracuse District Office     directions


Traditional Korean Karate   •   No-Contact   •   All experience levels welcome

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About the class...

      Workouts for beginners are shorts/sweats and T-shirts, with the option to wear a white Gi if desired. Workouts are done barefoot.

      We are an affiliate of the World Tae Kwon Do Association headed by Grandmaster Duk Sung Son, 9th degree black belt. There are about 450 WTKDA schools and clubs in the world. You become part of a large network and can practice at any of those schools. Our members participate in semi-annual tournaments, black-belt camps, and other events sponsored by the Association. We also make a point to visit other affiliate schools for practice and demonstrations.

      The traditional non- contact style emphasizes a strictly non-violent attitude and promotes safety through self-control and precision. In order to break several inches of wood, punches and kicks have to be sharply focused. "Non-contact sparring" means that, in sparring, they are delivered so as to not touch the target but stop shortly before it - inches or millimeters, depending on the degree of proficiency.

"Tae Kwon Do" stands for the "study of kicks and punches". It is a martial art with the obvious purpose of self-defense. However, a more valuable aspect of Tae Kwon Do is the improvement of physical and mental fitness and health. Regular practice develops balance, strength, focus, self-control, and social skills. As the positive effects of Tae Kwon Do cover a wide range, people of all ages and both sexes can benefit.

Workouts include stretching, mild running, basic movements, forms (preset sequences of moves), 3-step sparring, free style sparring, self-defense techniques and special applications. The training is designed to develop the 5 basic components required of an accomplished martial artist: balance, control, speed, power and focus. Belt ranking goes as follows: white, yellow, green, purple, brown and first degree black.

Will I enjoy it?
      YES, if you look forward to a good workout, or to developing the stamina to soon enjoy a good workout. Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art which has technique foundations in accuracy, balance, power, focus, and speed. Students develop each of these through dedicated practice.Yet regarding our workouts, the WTA philosophy balances the need for demanding practice with the need for every individual to gain what he/she wants from the martial arts experience. The instructors are fully aware that we all get up the morning after workouts with responsibilities and lives to pursue. The WTA experience is formulated to help develop you as an individual in many aspects of your life. Thus there is a good chance you will find this martial art experience fulfilling for you, whether you are looking for a good cardiovascular workout, the development of good attitude and good health, more confidence, new friends, or whether you hope to follow through for the many years it takes to develop black-belt level skills. (It is addicting, though - most people who try it out end up staying on for years!)

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